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Adult Novice Team

Novice Team 2024 - 2025 Updates in Process

Joining the club and Novice Team…What’s in it for me? 
Rowing is a lifelong sport; it is low impact and provides great conditioning. MRC offers terrific opportunities to row just for fun and fitness, to race at the national level, and a little bit of everything in between. Whether you are looking for competition or camaraderie, MRC is committed to giving you skills and resources to realize your goals through rowing.

Who are the novices?
Novices are first-year rowers who have complete a Learn To Row course. Rowers who are returning to the sport after a long absence may also join the Novice Team if the MRC Green Team is not a good fit (contact Jen Sowins with questions regarding team placement). As a group you’ll row together and learn the sport, which will include boat moving and storage, safety, terminology (what’s a saxboard, anyhow?), club rules, and the basic strokes. You’ll build some muscle, and you’ll get some blisters. By fall, you’ll have option to race. 

Lots more great information: Novice Team Q & A 2022


  • All sessions run by professional, safety-certified coaches
  • Organized rows with teammates
  • Use of different team boats to learn various skills
  • Ability to row the Mississippi Gorge - a true escape right in the middle of the city


  • Sign up for practices in advance and attend.
  • MRC is primarily a volunteer-run club. Please expect to contribute at least a few hours to help maintain grounds, volunteer during regattas, and or assist with docks out. 
  • Keep MRC financial account in good standing by paying program, regatta, and any other fees promptly
  • Comply with MRC Policies and Code of Conduct.

Schedules and Team Fees

Practices begin June 24, 2024.
Of the four available practice times, Novice Team members may attend up to three practices total per week. You may pick and choose which practices to attend as your schedule permits. However, if you sign up, show up! MRC uses iCrew to handle all of our rowing sessions, boat reservations, line-up, attendances, etc.  Once you register as a MRC member and join the Novice team, you'll be invited to join iCrew.

  • Mondays 5:45-7:45 pm
  • Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 am
  • Thursdays 5:45-7:45 pm
  • Saturdays 9:30-11:30 am

In the past, Novice Team members have had to the opportunity to compete at the following regattas. You are not required to race. Many Novice Team graduates will eventually go on to row with a non-racing, Recreational program. More information to come.

  • Head of the Des Moines, Des Moines, IA, September 28, 2024
  • Head of the Mississippi, Minneapolis, MN, October 5, 2024

Participation on the MRC Adult Novice Team requires payment of both MRC membership dues and team program fees.

  • MRC Adult Novice Membership dues: $280
  • Novice Team Program Fees: TBD ($300 in 2024) 
Novice Team Registration
Joining the Novice Team is a multi-step process. We use this website, MRC/Club Express, to process payments, and we use another website, iCrew, to manage practice sign-ups.

There are two steps to complete on the MRC/Club Express website:

1. Join MRC as an Adult Novice Member - your annual membership dues cover equipment and boathouse maintenance. 
Click here to become an Adult Novice Member - link coming soon

2. Register for the Adult Novice Team and pay your program fee - the team program fee specifically covers coaching. 
Click here to pay the Adult Novice Team Program Fee - link coming soon

Once you become a MRC Member, your confirmation email will include a registration link for iCrew. Please create an iCrew account. You will use iCrew to sign up for desired practices as well as volunteer opportunities and other club events.

Log on to iCrew

USRowing Membership
The Minneapolis Rowing Club is an organizational member of USRowing and as part of our organizational member requirements, all MRC members who participate in rowing activities must hold at least USRowing Basic membership. This includes accepting the USRowing online waiver and completing SafeSport Training if required. To join or renew, go to 

See you on the Water!


Physical Address (not mailing)
2968 West River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Mailing Address
PO Box 583102
Minneapolis, MN 55458
Club Administrator
Jen Sowins
(612) 469-7999
 link to
 On site phone for emergencies only:
 (612) 729-1541

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