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HomeExperiential Rowing

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The best things begin with "I've always wanted to...."

Enjoy the fun and beauty of rowing on the Mississippi!

In addition to Adult Learn to Row, the Minneapolis Rowing Club seeks for provide a variety of ways to explore the sport of rowing and gain a different perspective of the Mississippi River Gorge from river level. Individual and group options are available.

Experience Rowing: learn rowing basics and get out on the river in a safe barge.

Ready, Row!
: learn rowing basics and get out on the river in a real rowing shell used for regattas.

Corporate Leadership/Team Building:  A fun and challenging team-building event.

Adult Learn To Row:  Jump full in with a multi-session program that has you 'graduate' as a full-fledged rower.

Experience Rowing

Enjoy an afternoon or evening out on the beautiful Mississippi! Participants may sign up individually for this 3-hour class is designed to introduce the sport of rowing. Tour the boathouse, learn the rowing stroke, then head out on the water in our safe and stable training barge. A coach will be with you every step of the way. Our stretch of the Mississippi is home to bald eagles, falcons, beavers, and foxes, so when you aren’t rowing, there’s plenty to see!

Class size: 6-12 rowers
Age minimum: 12, and rowers ages 12-17 must attend with a parent or guardian
Cost: $100 per seat

2024 Experience Rowing Dates
Click on the desired date to register

5:30 - 8:30pm Friday, August 9, 2024

4:00 - 7:00pm Saturday, August 10, 2024

Experience Rowing Private Group

Schedule your own 3-hour Experience Rowing class! Reserve the whole barge on date that works for you. A private group is ideal for family reunions, book clubs, and birthday, retirement or graduation parties. Minimum class size is 6, and the barge can accomodate up to 12 rowers.
Cost: $1000

Ready, Row!

Try rowing in one of our 8-person shells!  Similar to Experience Rowing, you'll learn rowing basics in one of our club boats used in regattas. With you will be a couple of experienced rowers to help balance the boat and a coxswain to steer.  Your coach will be along side in a motorboat providing inspiration and instruction (and maybe a race!).  This is a 3-hour, very fun and educational option for groups including cross-fit gyms and sports teams - you'll get a work out and learn proper 'rowing machine' technique. At a minimum, we recommend participants be able to sustain moderate exercise for 20 minutes and be able to lift 35 pounds overhead. 

Cost: $800 per boat, minimum 4, maximum 6
At this time, Ready, Row! is not being offered for purchase on an individual seat basis.
Multiple boats = exponentially more the fun (and racing competition!)

Corporate Team Building and Leadership Development
Adventure rowing

If you are looking for a fun and challenging team-building event for you and your co-workers, Minneapolis Rowing Club offers a unique way to “pull together” your crew through the rowing experience.

MRC can offer a 3-hour program which includes introduction of the equipment, basic rowing skills, on water exercise and ending with a short race piece to demonstrate your success.  Additionally, a focus on leadership development and team building is incorporated.  We typically serve groups of 6-18 participants, however this program is customized for your team size/team goals and larger groups may be 

See you on the Water!

Physical Address (not mailing)
2968 West River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Mailing Address
PO Box 583102
Minneapolis, MN 55458
Club Administrator
Jen Sowins
(612) 469-7999
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 On site phone for emergencies only:
 (612) 729-1541

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